Lived two boys long ago named Wes
Much time they didst spend on the
streets with some drugs
Helped they thus the case of their
families so poor
Dealt both with some crews who were
really just thugs
Black were their faces like a
starless mid-night
Cared both boys for their outward
Although hindered the looks of these
two their flight
Displayed both Wes Moores perseverance
Fancy clothes wore one Wes just to
seem cool
Jordans wore the other and had small
And while corrected was the first’s
behavior at school
Developed the other a worser soul
Their actions thought the boys would
serve the turn
But caused unlawful behavior one
future to burn
Caused love and drugs in the lives
of the Moores much drama
Of the care of their mothers in
Saw both boys violence, cocaine and
But saw the Moores in their darkness
some light
Motherly love was what afloat kept
the souls
Of the boys quarreled they with the
Was one “Kid Kupid” with his seducer
With the drugs the other in a Nike
shoe box
Fathers absent on the boys inflicted
bad behavior
When their wives left they without a
And although acted their mothers as a
Didst their corrupted fates seem so
As struggled each Wes between good
and evil
Continued their cities in constant
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