“Mary knew her younger son was no innocent. In addition to the knife fight when he was younger,
Wes had been arrested a few years back after being caught stealing a car.”
(Page 71)
This quote
illustrates the theme of poor life choices because it shows the Wes had chosen
a path of violence and dishonesty, even as a young boy.
“She reached again for the first Nike box and
opened it. Inside were pills, marijuana,
half an ounce of powdered cocaine, and half a dozen dials of ‘ready rock,’ or
crack cocaine…She didn't even bother looking in the second box; she already
knew all she needed to know. Both of her
sons were drug dealers.” (Page 73)
This quote reflects
poor life choices because it shows how Wes had decided to enter the drug game
himself, despite his family’s discouragement.
“Of course, all of that didn't matter to my
mother. All she knew was that I could
effortlessly recite hip-hop lyrics while struggling with my English class.”
(Page 76)
This quote illuminates
author Wes’ poor life choices because it shows that Wes was fully capable of
learning and memorization, but that he simply chose not to try in school.
“Not only was her brother older and bigger but
he had a rep as one not to be played with.
But I just stood there in my B-boy stance, empowered by strains of ‘The
Bridge Is Over’ running through my head, until I felt like the message had
gotten across.” (Page 79)
This quote shows
poor life choices because it describes author Wes’ tough ego, which could get
him in trouble with bigger and stronger kids.
“He looked at me with a sly smirk. ‘You wanna tag?’ I couldn't say no. First off, Shea was one of the most respected
young hustlers in the neighborhood…Plus, I loved throwing my name up on a wall;
it felt like splashing in the shallow end of the criminal pool.” (Page 80)
This passage shows
author Wes’ poor life choices because it explains that Wes was willing to
engage in criminal activity in order to please his friends and to seem cool.
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